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How Top Container Solutions Providers are Responding to GDPR

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Container gdpr
GDPR is here and it’s been an overwhelming process for a lot of companies. Although there has been plenty of time to prepare, many have fallen behind and big companies like Facebook and Google are being made an example of. We recently covered how cloud infrastructure providers were responding to GDPR, but it’s important to understand how container management providers are reacting as well. Containers are a popular tool for enterprise cloud users, so their dedication to GDPR compliance is crucial.

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Twistlock is a container management platform that focuses on security and compliance. Their dedication to HIPAA and PCI compliance makes them especially apt do deal with GDPR. To express their dedication to GDPR compliance, Twistlock released a blog post emphasizing its importance.

We all know private personal data is the driving force of GDPR. Each company with clients or connections to Europe must evaluate their data protection and storage terms. Twistlock released a compliance management capability feature, called Compliance Explorer. This tool will ensure compliance when it comes to data.

Twistlock points out that GDPR doesn’t definitively describe countermeasures for enterprises to implement. They suggest using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, even suggesting a guide to get you started.

CoreOS (Red Hat)

CoreOS was acquired by Red Hat earlier this year. Both companies were stalwarts in the open source Kubernetes community. Although CoreOS doesn’t have a specific post regarding GDPR, Red Hat has a lot of information regarding the new regulations.

Red Hat mostly talks about what the rules will change and how clients can better prepare and stay compliant. They do, however, go into detail regarding their personal approach for GDPR. They have conducted detailed data inventories and are updating processes to comply. “we have been working diligently on processes to address rights of data subjects, including how individuals may obtain their personal data, make corrections, and request erasure.”

They are also working to employ data privacy impact assessment processes and privacy by design principles. This is to enhance their product portfolio as it relates to data. They are dedicated to maintaining compliance for themselves and doing what they can for their customers.


Although Datadog doesn’t have a standalone container management platform, they do monitor containers. Monitoring is going to grow in importance under GDPR, as maintaining compliance starts with understanding your applications, workloads, networks, analytics, and more.

Datadog points out that they are not intended to be used for processing personal data, but they do offer assistance if customers believe they have included personal data for any information processed by Datadog. They list four ways that they can help customers in meeting GDPR compliance:

  • Supporting customers in complying with requests from Data Subjects
  • Aggregating applicable personal data for customers replying to complaints from Data Subjects
  • Replying to investigations and inquiries from supervisory authorities concerning processing activities on behalf of a customer
  • Conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments

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