The 6 Major Players in Data Preparation Tools

Part of our ongoing coverage of the data and analytics marketplace involves the various solution providers that make up the space. Vendors that offer data preparation products come in many different shapes and sizes, and it’s common for the eye to focus on the shiny new toy; the providers offering something we’ve never seen before. While those trends are certainly worth keeping tabs on, we recognize that reporting on the pillars of the market may be even more beneficial given the ease with which they are recognized.
The following providers have earned the top scores (4.0 or greater) in analyst house Gartner, Inc.’s Peer Insights software reviews. They have also been included as having a relevant product in Gartner’s recent Market Guide for Data Preparation Tools.
The following providers have earned the top scores (4.0 or greater) on Gartner’s Peer Insights software reviews site and been included in as having a relevant product in the analyst’s recent Market Guide for Data Preparation. While each company’s market share differs, these tools shape the foundation of this software market. Emerging providers can only hope to replicate the kind of success that these cornerstones have earned over a period of time. These providers stand out as rock-solid cornerstones that offer tools for a wide variety of use cases, making them the most trustworthy of the bunch.
Alteryx is a publicly traded self-service analytics software company that specializes in data preparation and data blending. Alteryx Analytics allows users to organize, clean, and analyze data in a repeatable workflow. Business analysts find this tool particularly useful for connecting to and cleansing data from data warehouses, cloud applications, spreadsheets and other sources. The platform features tools to run a variety of analytic jobs (predictive, statistical, spatial) inside a single interface.
ClearStory Data’s flagship product offers ways for organizations to discover, prepare, and blend data from structured and unstructured sources. ClearStory’s Data Inference tool automates the data preparation process for any data source by inferring semantics in business data, reading values, and automating transformations. The platform’s Intelligent Data Harmonization capabilities automatically produce visually blended insights by identifying relationships across dimensions in data.
Datawatch offers a wide variety of data and analytic tools atop their flagship offering, Datawatch Monarch. The platform is broken down further for users in enterprise settings and for those that wish to work on a web-based platform. Monarch Swarm offers self-service functionality and creates a social network of curated and raw data sets with controls and limitations defined for each individual. Monarch Server scales to thousands of users and provides complete automation on repeatable processes.
Lavastorm Server provides capabilities that run alongside data throughout the entire lifecycle. From data acquisition to data preparation and analytics, Lavastorm combines self-service with advanced features for both business users and IT. Lavastorm Server integrates data with operational ETL, and allows users to scale up their applications via extensible nodes. The tool also touts an immediate start-up with pre-configured components that hasten common data preparation work.
Paxata‘s Adaptive Information Platform offers data integration, quality, and governance capabilities for business analysts. It features flexible deployment options and self-service operation. The provider’s Self-Service Data Prep Application is built on a visual user interface that has familiar spreadsheet metaphors so users don’t have to learn an entirely new tool. The app also boasts Assisted Intelligence that provides algorithmic assistance to infer the meaning of data, and machine learning captures steps for future data work.
Trifacta offers a suite of what its dubbed ‘data wrangling’ tools in three different iterations: Trifacta Wrangler, Wrangler Edge, and Wrangler Enterprise. Trifacta allows users to do data prep without having to manually write code or use mapping-based systems. The Predictive Transformation function enables the exploration of data content so users can define a recipe for how the data should be transformed. Data Wrangler also includes data discovery, structuring, cleaning, enriching, and validation capabilities.
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