EnGenius Develops for K-12; Federated Raises $22 Million

EnGenius will introduce their new Neutron Series Distributed Network Management Solution to technology education professionals this week at the TCEA 2016 Convention and Exposition.
The Neutron Series Solution aims specifically at K-12 because it is a highly scalable managed wireless LAN solution that is affordable to deploy and can centrally manage a secure wireless network throughout a campus or across several campuses in a school district.
Since many K-12 school districts have limited budgets, the Neutron Series Distributed Network Management Solution addresses that market and recognizes the importance of wireless internet in all schools. It requires no licensing or subscription fees for monitoring or managing the system which significantly lowers the cost.
Federated Wireless has just raised $22 million in Series A round led by Woodford Investment Management and Allied minds for the development of its cloud hosted Spectrum Access System (SAS) and CINQ platform to bring the advantages of shared spectrum in the 3.5GHz band to enterprise customers in the education, healthcare, hospitality, retail and financial markets.
Federated Wireless has been looking to collaborate with leaders in the telecommunications and Wi-Fi industries to develop a different and better standard for for sharing on the 3.5GHz band of unlicensed spectrum.
“We are committed to continuing our leadership in the development of Shared Spectrum technology,” said Iyad Tarazi, Chief Executive Officer of Federated Wireless. “We believe that our Spectrum Access System and broad-based CINQ platform architecture will enable carriers and enterprises to extend wireless networks seamlessly and cost effectively.”
Spectrum Access System is,the foundation of all wireless infrastructure systems and is highly valued because it’s finite. Historically there are two main types of Spectrum: one for carriers, which have exclusive licenses, and one for Wi-Fi systems in unlicensed bands. The FCC’s recent Report and Order (R&O) outlines a new shard spectrum innovation technology. Shared Spectrum aims to create a balance between the low cost and versatility of unlicensed spectrum and the quality and predictability of licensed spectrum.
Federated Wireless’ SAS system is designed to leverage the newly released 3.5GHz spectrum band that has been mandated to be made available by the FCC over the next few years. The company’s SAS aims to help alleviate spectrum management challenges and to substantially improve the throughput, performance, and capacity of wireless networks.