Verizon Enterprise Solutions Announces New SD-WLAN Solution

Verizon Enterprise Solutions recently deployed its Software-Defined Wireless Local Area Network (SD-WLAN), providing visibility into both corporate wireless network operations and Bluetooth-enabled devices connected to the network.
Verizon reports SD-WLAN enables network access and security configurations. What makes Verizon’s SD-WLAN different is that it leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning technology provided by Mist Systems to monitor and manage wireless LAN automatically. User and network data is reviewed in real-time to identify choke points and unauthorized user access attempts, while scaling network resources in response to shifting customer demands, according to the company.
“Our Enterprise users are increasingly using wireless LANs, yet innovation around management of WLANs has not kept pace,” said Vickie Lonker, vice president, product management and development at Verizon, in a statement. “SD WLAN leverages the advanced intelligence and machine learning offered through Mist Systems’ platform to improve network management and operations while controlling costs. It is the next step in our overall SDN strategy.”
In addition to deep metrics, Verizon said its SD-WLAN includes virtual beacon technology and next-generation location-based services. According to the company, this allows targeted proximity messaging for deeper engagement with customer employees and guests, advanced wayfinding and asset-tracking, integration with IoT devices for location-based security and sensor controls, as well as upgrades and traffic analytics.
“Working with Verizon we are simplifying how wireless services are managed and operated and lowering the cost of delivering those services,” said Sujai Hajela, CEO and co-founder of Mist. “Verizon customers get an AI-driven network solution that delivers an improved Wi-Fi and indoor location experience.”
SD-WLAN is included as part of Verizon’s Virtual Network Services portfolio, which was introduced as part of its software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) strategy. The SD-WLAN is just one solution that Verizon has incorporated into its Virtual Networks Services lately. Last month, the company expanded its SDN solution suite with the launch of Virtual Network Services – Session Border Controller-as-a-Service (SBCaaS), which can be deployed as a stand-alone option or service chained with other virtualized network functions (VNFs).