By the Numbers: Talent Management Stats You Should Know for 2018

If you’re an HR or talent management professional, you need to be aware of the trends and data over the past year in order to think about how they will be impacting recruiting, hiring and talent management in 2018. In this light, we’ve gathered some of the most important HR and talent facts you should know so you and your organization can be prepared.
1. Glassdoor, a website where employees and former employees anonymously review companies and their management provides a reference guide titled, “65 HR and Recruiting Stats for 2018” in which authors reveal attracting high quality candidates is the top challenge for 76 percent of hiring managers.
2. Another one from Glassdoor, a survey the company did revealed American employees are working harder than ever. Of those who received paid time off, most used oly 54 percent of their eligible vacation time in 2017.
3. Mercer, the world’s largest human resources consulting firm, conducted a global talent trends study that showed that 53 percent of employees reported wanting a strong health and wellness focus.
4. 79 percent of employees believe that employers should share responsibility for health and wellness with their staff, versus the 11 percent who believe the responsibility is the employee’s alone, Westfield Health’s survey revealed. Westfield Health is a non profit organisation, which provides health and wellbeing services and healthcare plans to individuals, private and public sector organisations.
5. The same survey from Westfield Health showed how important employee opinion is. 46 percent of employees say they’d be more engaged with wellness if their employer asked about their preferences.
6. In addition, 74 percent of employees reported feeling more satisfied, motivated, and loyal when they know an employer cares about their wellbeing.
7. A whitepaper from the Work Institute, a company that specializes in employee engagement and workforce research studies, data analysis, reporting and consulting for companies of all sizes, provided information saying replacing an employee costs employers 33 percent of that employee’s annual salary.
8. A report from Glassdoor revealed the average employee is 1.5 percent more likely to stay with a company when changing roles if offered a 10 percent raise on their base pay.
9. Mercer’s global talent trends study proved that everyone likes the ability to choose – 56 percent of employees want flexible work options.
10. OwlLabs, a video conferencing hardware company creating a new IoT product that puts the remote employee’s experience first, revealed employee turnover is 25 percent lower at companies that support remote work.
11. Fast Company is a monthly American business magazine published in print and online that focuses on technology, business, and design. According to the company, employees who spent 15 minutes socializing with coworkers during their workday exhibited a 20 percent performance boost.
12. OwlLabs suggests making sure you have the right video software to keep in touch with remote workers, since video conferences is 30 percent better for communicating than audio alone.
13. Gartner predicts by 2020, cloud revenue will account for over 62 percent of the global software market (up from 50 percent in 2017), so switching to a cloud-based talent management system is a smart idea if you haven’t done so already.
So, if you’re in the market for HR management software or a talent management solution, look no further! We’ve got the perfect resource to help get you started. Our Talent Management Buyer’s Guide compares the top 24 Talent Management and HR Tech vendors head to head to make your search easier. The guide also includes 4 key capabilities to consider while selecting a new solution and 10 questions to ask yourself and the vendor before purchasing.
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