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The Top 12 Solutions Review Business Process Management Best Practices

we’ve compiled some of our best business process management best practices articles to simplify the research process.

we’ve compiled some of our best business process management best practices articles to simplify the research process.The editors of Solutions Review work to research business process management best practices on a constant basis. We analyze technology research papers and reports, product updates, and capability trends. We then bring those together to develop best practices articles posted every week. Because we have so many business process management best practices to offer, sorting through all of them can feel daunting to the IT decision-maker. To that end, we’ve compiled some of our best business process management best practices articles to simplify the research process.

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The Top 15 Free and Open Source BPM Solutions

“Searching for BPM software (BPMS) can be a daunting (and expensive) process, one that requires long hours of research and deep pockets. The most popular BPM systems often provide more than what’s necessary for non-enterprise organizations, with advanced functionality relevant to only the most technically savvy users. Thankfully, there are a number of free and open-source process management solutions out there. In this article, we will examine free and open source BPM software, first by providing a brief overview of what to expect and also with short blurbs about each of the currently available options in the space. This is the most complete and up-to-date directory on the web”


The 24 Best Business Process Management Companies for 2020

“Solutions Review’s listing of the best Business Process Management companies is an annual sneak peek of the solution providers included in our Buyer’s Guide and Solutions Directory. Information was gathered via online materials and reports, conversations with vendor representatives, and examinations of product demonstrations and free trials.”


Understanding the Difference Between RPA and BPM

“In today’s digital era, enterprises everywhere are feeling the pressure to digitize operations, and they see a future where routine operations are fully automated. But how does Robotic Process Automation (RPA) fit alongside Business Process Management (BPM) in a broader digital process automation strategy? To help answer this question, we spoke with Tom Franceski, vice president and general manager of DocStar. DocStar provides proven business process automation technology and workflow expertise that empowers organizations to operate at peak performance, navigate change, and grow.”


Why is Process Improvement So Important?

Process improvement can enable organizations to make small, incremental changes that will provide greater value in the long run. With a few simple steps, your business can become even more effective and impactful. Sarah Berkowski, senior director, marketing at Nintex Promapp, argues a growing number of companies are changing the way they capture, share and review their business processes. They make processes part of their organizations’ day-to-day conversations at every level, and thereby hope to foster an environment of continual improvement — one where processes and their outcomes can be tracked and regularly reviewed and updated.”


The Best Business Process Management Events and Conferences to Attend in 2020

The editors at Solutions Review have created this list of the year’s most anticipated business process management events to attend. We’ve scoured the web, consulted with conference representatives, and identified where the industry’s top brass will be spending their time. If you are looking for top-notch keynotes, interesting sessions, best practices demos, and legitimate networking opportunities, mark your calendar.”


The 10 Best Business Process Management Podcasts You Should Listen To

Over the last few years, podcasts have grown from a fringe media to one of the most popular ways to get news and information. For those in the know, or those who need to know, business process management podcasts can be an excellent resource. With this in mind, our editors have compiled a list of our ten favorite business process management podcasts, listed below in no particular order. To keep up with the latest news, trends, best practices, and to hear from the top minds in the industry, we highly recommend giving these a listen.”


The Top 13 Free and Open Source RPA Tools

“There are a number of free and open source RPA tools out there. Some of these solutions are offered by vendors looking to eventually sell you on their enterprise product, and others are maintained and operated by a community of developers looking to democratize robotic process automation. In this article, we will examine free and open source RPA tools, first by providing a brief overview of what to expect and also with short blurbs of the options currently available in the space. This is the most complete and up-to-date directory on the web.”


What is “Intelligent” Business Process Management Software (iBPMS)

iBPM, otherwise known as, Intelligent Business Process Management, is essentially taking an already great Business Process Management (BPM) tool and enriching it with additional Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or like cloud capabilities. Manish Nepal, blog writer for KiSSFLOW, explains that iBPM in simple terms, helps businesses plan and automate their complex business processes by building a dynamic technology environment based on value-added knowledge work.”


The 9 Best LinkedIn Business Process Management Groups You Should Join

LinkedIn is one of the premier places for enterprise technology professionals to gather, share ideas, and connect. If you are a business process management practitioner, or you’re just looking for additional insights into what the smartest folks in the industry are talking about, LinkedIn professional groups are a great place to start. In that spirit, the editors at Solutions Review have compiled this list of the 9 best LinkedIn business process management groups you should join. These are the most active forums on LinkedIn, and they regularly help us keep tabs on the industry.”


The Top BPM Trends to Watch in 2019 and Beyond

Business Process Management (BPM) tools are essential for improving and optimizing your in-house processes, but to get the most out of your BPM software, you have to be aware of the industry trends. These changes are usually a combination of insight into user expectations, an understanding of what BPM practitioners are lacking, and predicted technological developments. We’ve put together a list of the top BPM trends to watch in 2019.”


Is BPM Dead?

“After years of debate, IT professionals are still arguing about the fate of Business Process Management (BPM). Some say BPM is outdated and controlling technology, while others dispute this and believe that BPM still has value. The question is: is BPM dead, or not?”


The Top 12 Best Robotic Process Automation Books You Need to Read

Sometimes, in order to advance technologically, it’s helpful to look at an old-school approach. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is essential for your organization, but you should first ensure what plan is right for you and your team. While there are many free resources available online, (such as Solutions Review’s best practices articles, solutions directories, and buyer’s guides), doing things the old-fashioned way can be beneficial. Solutions Review has taken the liberty of doing the research for you, having reviewed a multitude of books. We’ve carefully selected the best robotic process automation books based on relevance, popularity, review ratings, publish date, and ability to add business value.”


How To Learn More

You can check out our business process management best practices here. Also, download our free 2020 Business Process Management Buyer’s Guide for more on solution providers and key capabilities.

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