Marketing Automation Buyer's Guide

The Top 7 Solutions Review Marketing Automation Best Practices

The Top 7 Solutions Review Marketing Automation Best Practices

The Top 7 Solutions Review Marketing Automation Best Practices

The editors of Solutions Review work to research CRM on a constant basis. We compile technology research papers and reports, product updates, and capability trends. Then, we compile it into best practices articles posted every week. This means that every week we’re pumping out tons of CRM best practices and news; sorting through all of them could be feel quite daunting to an IT decision-maker pressed for time. Thus, we’ve compiled some of our top CRM best practices and other articles to simplify your research process.

Top 15 Best Marketing Automation Books You Should Read

There are loads of free resources available online (such as Solutions Review’s buyer’s guides and best practices), and those are great, but sometimes it’s best to do things the old fashioned way. There are few resources that can match the in-depth, comprehensive detail of a good book. Solutions Review has done the research for you, having reviewed many of these books. We’ve carefully selected the best marketing automation books based on relevance, popularity, ratings, publish date, and ability to add business value. Each book listed has a minimum of 5 Amazon user reviews and a rating of 3.5 or better. Below you will find a library of books from recognized leaders, experts, and technology professionals in the field. From digital analytics to email marketing, these publications have something to offer even the most tenured marketing professionals.


5 CRM Solutions With the Best Marketing Automation Features

If the world of marketing automation is vast and imposing, then the world of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is endless and insurmountable. The shortest way to describe CRM is an automation system for the sales department. To be fair, that’s the generalization to end all generalizations, but the sentiment remains the same. Marketing automation and CRM share a very unique relationship in that CRM solutions offer tools for marketers as a way to be an all-in-one sales and marketing platform. For organizations looking to maximize their solution’s productivity, often the best course of action is to opt into a CRM that provides an automation solution. But not all CRM-based automation tools were created equal. Here are the CRM solutions that offer the best marketing automation software tools and features.


9 Open API and Open Source Marketing Automation Tools

Searching for high quality marketing automation software can be a daunting process, one that requires long hours of research and deep pockets. The most popular marketing automation tools often provide more than what’s necessary for non-enterprise organizations, with advanced functionality relevant to only the most technically savvy users. Thankfully, there are a number of open source marketing automation tools out there. Some of these solutions are offered by vendors looking to eventually sell you on their enterprise product, while others are maintained and operated by a community of developers looking to democratize marketing tools and technology. Yet other companies offer open API’s of their software. This doesn’t grant users complete access to source code, but it gives you the ability to utilize or connect with various aspects of a marketing tool.


Top 10 LinkedIn Groups For Marketing Technology Professionals

LinkedIn is the place to be for professionals looking for new job opportunities, new ideas about their industries, or just looking to connect with like-minded professionals. For those in marketing tech, LinkedIn is an invaluable resource for connecting and interacting. LinkedIn’s groups are the best feature for this. We’ve gathered just a few of the most useful LinkedIn groups for martech professionals looking to learn from and connect with their peers. Each of these groups requires approved admission but are generally open to any and all marketing technology professionals or those in related fields.


Top Five Marketing Automation Youtube Videos You Should Watch

In the age of the Internet, self-education is easier than ever. Anyone looking to learn a new skill or talent can head online and study under experts, learning desired skills in a timeframe previously considered impossible. Cooking, programming, and even juggling can all be learned, even if in a rudimentary fashion, over the course of an afternoon. Marketing automation is no different. At the cost of a few short minutes on Youtube, you can learn a great deal about your marketing solution or a previously unthought of strategy. Some vendors even upload videos about the ins-and-outs of their own solutions. We’ve compiled some of the most useful videos on Youtube to help you iron out your marketing automation skills and your proficiency with various solutions.


Four Digital Marketing Certifications for Marketing Automation Users

Marketing leaders seek employees with interesting and advanced skillsets. They want folks who know the field and can demonstrate that they know it on a routine basis. One thing to help you stand out is to get certified in your area of expertise, or in the tools that you use on a regular basis. This helps managers to understand how proficient a user must be without a deep dive. Whether they are looking for new additions to the marketing team or ways to sharpen the skills of their current staff, digital marketing certifications are key in today’s fast-paced enterprise. There are many courses out there, and knowing what the best ones are for you can result in a long research process.


Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Podcasts You Should Listen To

Sometimes you need to learn some new skills on the fly. Sometimes you need to be able to multitask while absorbing the latest industry news. And sometimes, you just want to hear others talk about the market you’re so interested in. Enter marketing automation podcasts. We’ve searched the web for some of the most informative, engaging, and consistent podcasts discussing marketing software in all its forms. Whether it’s your first week on the job or you’ve been working with marketing automation for years, these podcasts are sure to teach you something new.


Looking for more? Download our Marketing Automation Buyer’s Guide for free to compare the top products available on the market with full page vendor profiles, key capabilities, a marketing atuomation software market overview, our bottom-line analysis, and questions for prospective buyers.

And don’t forget to follow us on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn for all the latest in the Marketing Automation space!

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